
Photo by Scott Fletcher on Unsplash

Covid-19 関連のニュースを読むことが増えて、知らない英単語をよく見聞きするようになったのでくわしく調べてみた。基本、英語辞書はCambridge Dictionary、日本語はmacOS収録のウィズダム英和辞典です。


a period of time during which an animal or person that might have a disease is kept away from other people or animals so that the disease cannot spread:

1. 検疫、隔離、留置 in (under) quarantine
2. 隔離期間
3. 隔離所、検疫所
4. 強制隔離処分

to keep an animal or person away from other animals or people to prevent them from spreading a disease:

1. 人や物人間を隔離する、場所を封鎖する(しばしば受け身で)
2. (政治的・社会的理由で)〜を孤立化させる、締め出す



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※ 現在新型コロナ対策のselft isolatedは基本2週間なので、英語のfortnightのように2週間の意味があるのかと思ったら4でした。quarterと同じ響きだしからかな?

ex.1 Published: 9:28pm, 8 Jan, 2020

South Korea has put a Chinese woman under isolated treatment amid concerns that she brought back a form of viral pneumonia that has sickened dozens in mainland China and Hong Kong in recent weeks.


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※ 代替のことばにunder isolatedやselft isolatedが使われている。WHOでも
Self-isolation if you or someone you live with has symptoms というように使ってる。

ex. 2 Top Japanese government adviser says Diamond Princess quarantine was flawed

The American-owned cruise ship was put under quarantine by Japanese for two weeks in February after a coronavirus outbreak was detected on board.


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※ 日本でもさかんに「カランティーン」が聞かれるようになったのは2月のこの出来事からか。

google trendsでは急速に上がって下がってきてる。言葉も行動も定着したのか。。

スクリーンショット 2020-04-21 08.56.39


a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freely because of an emergency.

a state of isolation or restricted access instituted as a security measure.

an emergency measure or condition in which people are temporarily prevented from entering or leaving a restricted area or building (such as a school) during a threat of danger(Marriam-Wester)


※ 2020年現在使われている「ロックダウン」は、緊急事態における安全措置のための自宅待機(隔離)で、これが法的な命令なのか、recommendなのか、などが各国などによって違う感じ。



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※ 余談ですが、オートロックのドアなどで鍵をもたずに外に出てしまい締め出されてしまう(自動車なども昔よくありました)ことを、lock yourself out of ~ などといいますよね。そして、lock upは、戸締まりすること。lock in ~は、誰かやなにかを閉じ込めること.
up とdownのイメージを考えてたのだけど、upだと戸締まりして自分は出掛ける(外から締める)、downだと中から締めるというイメージだろうか?

ex. 1 Coronavirus in NY: Cuomo orders lockdown, shuts down non-essential businesses
March 20, 2020 | 11:50am

Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday ordered the Empire State to shut down and asked local businesses and manufactures to step up as officials mounted a desperate struggle to slow the corona­virus pandemic.


social distancing【n.】

CambridgeとOxfordには表記なし。Collinsなどにnew word suggestがある。

measures taken to minimize contact between members of the public, especially in order to contain the spread of a contagious illness
Additional Information

Citation: These measures, sometimes referred to as “social distancing”, could include things like temporarily reducing socialising in public places such as entertainment or sports events, reducing our use of non-essential public transport or recommending more home working.’ [from Gov.uk website]


※ (社会的)距離を取ること。上記のCollinsによれば、伝染病の拡大を防ぐために公的な場所での人との接触を最小化すること、みたいな。なので「距離を取る」ことでもあるけれど、それ以外の含意がある。


The NewYorkerの記事では、

Going outside in and of itself doesn’t increase the risk. It is really proximity to other human beings, and specifically to their secretions—their sneezes and droplets. So the recommendation is to please go outside if you can. Please take walks, please bike, with a helmet.
Interact with your family members outside. But really the key is don’t interact with people outside of your home unit—whoever you are already in close contact with. The C.D.C. is recommending maintaining a distance of six feet, because that is as far as they can tell droplets can travel. And don’t touch other people.


Urban dictionaryには、social distancingはこんなふう

Wikipediaでは、「social distanceはsocial distancingを混同無きよう」と注意書き。社会学用語との故ですが、こちらはSocial distance; 社会における複数グループ間の隔たりを表現するもの。たとえば社会的な階級、民族、ジェンダー、セクシュアリティなど。「社会学的なへだたり」とも思えたけど、日本語訳はやっぱり社会的距離のよう。

ex. 1

Hong Kong Extends Social Distancing Measures

Hong Kong is extending social distancing restrictions for another 14 days as a precautionary measure, even as the financial hub sees a drop off in daily new Covid-19 infections.

